Monday, September 30, 2019

Intro to Transportation

Intro to TransportationMarch 20, 2013 Page 1 of 1 Assignment #5 New Brunswick Power turbine As it does not clarify in the readings exactly what the terms of shipment assigned were for the agreement between Siemens and NB Power, I have assumed that the agreement would have specified that Siemens specified that the contract was governed by Incoterms 2010 CFR- St John, New Brunswick, Canada. All responsibility for risk of loss or damage, as well as additional transportation costs now transfer to buyer essay writers for hire. Seller responsibility ceases once goods pass the ships rail at the port of shipment (not destination).NB Power contracted with Irving Equipment to deliver goods via barge to power plant. The bill of lading should read â€Å"FOB Destination†. Costs and responsibility: Rescue/Recovery of Goods from Water- Irving Equipment Responsibility: NB Power contracted services with Irving Equipment and BOL stated FOB Destination- damage or loss to the cargo up to the poin t of delivery to the buyer is responsibility of the shipper. Assessment and Cleaning of Recovered Turbines- Irving Equipment NB Power contracted services with Irving Equipment and BOL stated destination.Replacement/Repair of Turbines: Irving Equipment. Responsibility: NB Power contracted services with Irving Equipment and BOL stated FOB Destination. Damage or loss to the cargo up to the point of delivery to buyer is responsibility of the shipper. Freight (Load Planning)- Irving Equipment Agreement with manufacturer had clearly stated CFR. As per description above NB Power did enter into agreement with Irving Equipment to handle and deliver goods to destination. This shipment would have required load planning expertise to ensure smooth transition. Loss of Revenue for Power Plant: Irving Equipment.As stated above Schedule delays for power plant: Irving Equipment. As stated above NB Power would be able to pursue all identified points above where I believe that Irving Equipment could be held responsible. Unless otherwise specified in their agreement, the liability would probably be limited to a certain amount and NB Power would not recover the costs for the turbines and all extra’s listed above. If NB Power did purchase insurance for this shipment for the full value of goods, they could recover the cost of goods and all other costs depending on type of insurance purchased.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Improving Math and Science Scores in Middle School Essay

Math and Science are two subjects which most students at any level approach with trepidation and intense dislike, however, both subjects are integral to cognitive thinking. Not only will these subjects provide skills that will help students think more clearly, but students will be academically successful throughout their school career, enjoy wider career choices and earn more money after graduation. Therefore, establishing a strong foundation in these subjects is integral to future academic and career success. However, studying these subjects in middle school is even more difficult. Studies have shown that the transition for a student from elementary school to middle school is academically and psychologically difficult. According to Maurice Elias in an article entitled, â€Å"Middle School Transition: It’s Harder Than You Think†, many former elementary school students are not well prepared for the demands of middle school. They need explicit instruction, coaching, and support with regard to organizing time and resources for homework; responding to work that is more challenging and requires more effort; understanding and addressing the varying expectations of teachers in different subject areas; and accomplishing such basic tasks as taking notes and taking tests (Elias, 2001). Unfortunately, this same sentiment resonates today with the New York City Public School system, specifically, middle schools located in low income areas. The New York City Public School System is struggling with mathematics achievement in the grades beyond elementary school. Over 30% of the city’s elementary and middle school students score at the lowest level of the state mathematics test and only 34% of all students pass that test. The mathematics â€Å"problem† seems connected to the third major trend in the data, the low performance of middle and junior high schools in the city. In both Mathematics and English Language Arts, the city’s middle and junior high schools seem to be the weakest link in the system (Domanico, 2002). Recently, the math state scores were released further underscoring the middle school â€Å"math problem† that exists. Results showed that while 75. 3% of students at the elementary level passed successfully only 38. 9% of grade eight students passed (Andreatta, 2006, 11). As such, the intent of this study, based on the aforementioned information, is to evaluate and make recommendations with regard to middle school students in a particular school who have been struggling with both subjects. This study will focus on a middle school, IS 166- George Gershwin School—located in East New York. The decision to choose IS 166 was dependent on a few factors among which included the fact that the district within which it is located is considered a â€Å"virtual educational dead zone† by a Civic Report drafted by the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research (Domanico, 2002). Additionally, after reviewing the New York City Department of Education’s website—which provides an overwhelming amount of information on every public school in the city as well as their progress over recent years in the core subjects—it was found that of the schools within the 19th School District—primarily East New York, IS 166 is one of the worst performing schools. The school’s poor academic performance is further exacerbated by the outstanding grades displayed by another school in the 19th School District such as IS 409—East New York Family Academy and outside of the district another school MS 114, located in District 2 (Manhattan), whose grades superseded the city’s level as well as the state’s level. The graphs below illustrate how IS 166 performed poorly in the last 2 years on the state Math and Science exams comparatively to other schools, specifically IS 409 in the same district as well other schools in other districts. The last two graphs will show the difference with a higher performing school such as IS 409 and therefore will confirm why this study is going to be conducted. IS 166- George Gershwin School Math and Science Grades Source: New York Department of Education (Division of Assessment and Accountability—School Report Cards 2005). Definition of the Levels on which the scores for both subjects are based: Level 4—These students exceed the standards and are moving toward high performance on the Regents examination. Level 3—These students meet the standards and, with continued steady growth, should pass the Regents examination. Level 2—These students need extra help to meet the standards and pass the Regents examination. Level 1—These students have serious academic deficiencies. Source: New York Department of Education (Division of Assessment and Accountability—School Report Cards 2005). The aforementioned graphs showed how poorly IS 166 has performed in the last two years in both Math and Science. In Math, the number of students performing at Levels 3 and 4 has decreased from 22. 2% in 2004 and 17. 5% in 2005. The number of students tested for Level 3 was only 60 and for Level 4 only 3 of 361 total students. The remaining students, as displayed on the right hand side of the graph, are still at a Level 1 which as noted by the above definition means that they are in grave need of assistance. Therefore, for the purposes of the study, the target population will be defined as â€Å"in need† students. Although there has been a slight increase in Science, the results are still less than desirable when compared with other schools in the district and the City. As seen in the graph, only 14% of the students passed at Levels 3 and 4 in 2004 and by 2005, only 18% were able to pass at the same levels. Therefore, if IS 166 continues on this trajectory, it will continue to be labeled an underperforming school that graduates below average students incapable of performing the basic tasks in both subjects. The goal of the evaluation study is to thoroughly review the problems that exist and hopefully get the school to achieve grades similar to IS 409-East New York Family Academy sometime in the near future as is reflected in the following graphs. IS 409- East New York Family Academy Math and Science Grades Source: New York Department of Education (Division of Assessment and Accountability—School Report Cards 2005). As noted in the above graphs, IS 409 is performing extremely well at Levels 3 and 4 and has outperformed schools in both math and science in the district (which is truly exceptional given the neighborhood and its history) as well as other City schools. Very few students if any are far below the standard in both subjects. Moreover, as noted before, other schools such as MS 114 and IS 289 located in District 2 have maintained exceptional scores over the two year period. For 2004 and 2005, MS 114 scored 88% and 81% consecutively in Math and 97% and 91% in Science. IS 289 also scored high grades-for both years in Math, the school displayed 83% and 73% when compared to other schools in the district and city and in Science, they scored 87% and 82%. Other schools in other districts from Queens and Staten Island have also demonstrated solid scores. This makes designing a program even more of a priority in light of the above referenced comparisons. The study will not focus on the students at all levels in the middle schools but specifically, the eighth grade students destined for high school who have yet to grasp the necessary skills needed to succeed and have been the center of test score analysis over the years. These eighth grade students will be approximately 14 years old but depending on factors such as repeating a grade or special needs, the age may vary from 14-16 years old. As noted before, they will be identified as â€Å"in need† students and the study will attempt to identify the worst performing students by looking not only at grades but possibly contributing factors such as income, special needs, and possible crime involvement. The improvement of Math and Science scores is a gargantuan task which requires a major overall of the school at all levels, however, to begin the following services are needed and they are but not limited to: ?Offering training sessions for the math and science teachers. The difference between not only IS 409 and other schools in District 2 is that the teachers have more experience, education, and are less likely to be absent more than average. The training sessions will be implemented on weekends or after-school whichever is more convenient for the teachers and will be done prior to establishing an after-school program for the students. The training sessions will allow teachers from higher performing schools an opportunity to impart their techniques for achieving higher grades. ?Offering a separate informative session for the Principal, Maria Ortega, so that she is more knowledgeable on what is needed to succeed in both areas. In most cases, the principal of a school has a general idea of what is needed in most subject areas, however, if the principal is more involved, informed, and fully comprehends the nuances of the subject matter, then she will be able to make better choices in hiring and understanding the teaching of the curriculum. This is an idea which originated out of reading the case of MS 114 in District 2 which showcases a principal that has not only taught but has written Math books for children. Also, in IS 289, the principal knows each student individually and is fully acquainted with their needs. ?Offering additional services for children that may range from an after-school program to extending class hours to offering classes on the weekend. One of the schools in District 2 actually has classes that last at least 50 minutes giving students a better opportunity to absorb the material thereby performing better in exams. ?Offering programs that will incorporate the parents as well. Perhaps this will be in conjunction with the after-school program. As noted, most of the students in this district are from low income families and perhaps some of the parents are in low paying jobs or living on welfare. The parents can take advantage of the program by refreshing themselves with the basic concepts of each subject so that they may assist their children and perhaps help themselves. PROGRAM THEORY In order to address the dire academic situation at IS 166-George Gershwin School, and before implementing an after-school program, it is important to address the issue at the higher levels which means analyzing teaching techniques and more importantly, principal participation. At the Center for Civic Innovation Luncheon featuring Chancellor Joel Klein held on Thursday, October 5th at the Harvard Club, Chancellor Klein began his speech with an analogy of the leaky roof and the squeaky floor. He stated that there was a school located in uptown Harlem that had a leaky roof and a squeaky floor. One day a repair man came to repair the floor and the custodian stated that the floor cannot be fixed prior to the roof being fixed to which the repairman replied â€Å"That’s not my concern, I am just here for the floor†. The Chancellor began his speech with that story to underscore the problems with the NYC Education system. He believes that everyone wants to fix the underlying problems without addressing the issues at the surface. The Chancellor’s story may be applied to the case of IS 166 and any other school in need of improvement. Many observers and parents are often led to believe that their children are primarily the problem in achieving higher scores and possibly that their children lack the intellect to truly analyze or process the information given to them. However, it is just as important for the heads of the respective schools to be cognizant of what is needed to improve these scores and the principal is just the person to ensure this. Therefore, before implementing a program, we have recommended that Principal Maria Ortega participate in a briefing session lasting approximately one month in the summer—right after the end of the school year and before the hiring season begins—for at least 4 hours a day, three days a week. According to reports of comprehensive school reforms in Chicago and Louisiana, the schools’ academic success was primarily attributed to the principals in charge and the contributions they made throughout the reforms. In one report, it stated that â€Å"highly effective schools communicated expectations for teachers. The principal was active in working to improve teacher skills; ineffective teachers were let go. † Moreover, the principals played an important role in four areas a) selection and replacement of teachers; b) classroom monitoring and feedback; c) support for improvement of individual teachers; and d) allocating and protecting academic time (Good et al, 2005, 2207). Therefore, implementing a program or briefing session solely for Principal Ortega would help her improve in all these areas. Principals, under Chancellor Klein’s tenure, have been given more empowerment opportunities and have more responsibilities to ensure the success of their schools. IS 166 has been categorized as a Title I School In Need of Improvement (SINI) under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and as such, Principal Ortega has to work harder than ever to improve the english, math, and science scores—subjects that are integral to a student’s academic success. The program we have suggested will illustrate to Principal Ortega that math, in particular, cannot be taught in the traditional manner, that is, using rote. In fact, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) advocates the development of an inquiry-based mathematics tradition. Students taught using this tradition are encouraged to explore, develop conjectures, prove, and problem solve (Manswell Butty, 2001, 20). Students are best able to absorb the material in not only math and science but other subjects if the teachers are able to present it in an interesting manner that entails connections to the outside world. Principal Ortega should also be familiarized with the requirements for the exams and then know exactly how the staff should approach student preparation. She should also ensure that with respect to math, she adheres to the recommendations Lyle V. Jones reiterated in his article entitled â€Å"Achievement Trends in Math and Science† in which it was stated: ? Only teachers who like mathematics should teach mathematics ? The chief objective of school mathematics should be to instill confidence ? Mathematics teaching must be based on both contemporary mathematics and modern pedagogy (Jones, 1988, 333). After completion of this program, and hopefully with a better understanding of what is needed to improve the scores at IS 166, the next step would be to address the teaching staff. As noted, the methodology used is integral to ensuring that the students comprehend, absorb, and analyze the information being disseminated. If they fail to process the information then they will ultimately perform poorly in the state exams and possibly continue to do so throughout high school. We recommend prior to the beginning of the academic year, and the implementation of the after-school program, that teachers, specifically, the math teachers enroll in a summer institute similar to one reported in an article entitled, â€Å"Toward a Constructivist Perspective: The Impact of a Math Teacher InService Program on Students†. The reason being is that the teaching of math more so than science requires certain techniques that are far from the traditional methods that most teachers employ. The summer institute in the report offered participating teachers intensive two-week summer institutes and weekly classroom follow-up during one academic year. Moreover, they received an opportunity to reexamine their ideas about the teaching and learning of mathematics. During the summer institutes, these teachers experienced mathematics classes in which they were encouraged to construct solutions and ideas and to communicate them to a group. They analyzed student understandings as revealed in interviews and they planned lessons which reflected their evolving ideas about mathematics learning and teaching (Simon and Schifter, 1993, 331). Teachers need to plan their lessons in such a manner as to engage the students so that they may effectively communicate their thoughts or problems with a particular issue. In fact, after completion of the summer institute, and after the teachers began using their newfound techniques, the results were noteworthy and ranged from students stating that â€Å"it’s fun to work math problems† to â€Å"I’d rather do math than any other kind of homework† to â€Å"I like to explain how I solved a problem†(Simon and Schifter, 1993, 333). Therefore, using the above referenced example, the summer institute that we propose for the math teachers will last approximately three weeks in the summer and it would begin approximately mid-August prior to the beginning of the academic year. This program would be mandated by the principal and would include veteran staff members as well new ones brought on board. Another factor that teachers have to take into consideration is the population they cater to during the academic year. IS 166 consists of predominantly black and Hispanic students residing in East New York and its surrounding environs, thereby, making them not only an â€Å"in need† group in terms of grades but an â€Å"at risk† group in terms of their backgrounds and predisposition to engage in illicit activities. Many believe teaching techniques are generic and if they are employed in one school then they may be applicable in another. However, studies have shown that minority children in low income neighborhoods require a different set of techniques employed. According to Manswell Butty, African-American children have further been identified as favoring four learning styles a) person-centered, b) affective, c) expressive, and movement oriented (Butty, 2001, 23). Therefore, teachers need to use laboratory or group exercises, discussion sessions, or instructional uses of music and the visual and dramatic arts, especially when those pedagogical techniques promote Black students’ greater academic involvement, interest, and performances (Butty, 2001, 23). However, this is not a generalization implying that all minority children respond to this technique but most will probably respond positively. Therefore, teachers must be made aware of the group of children that they are dealing with and ensure that they employ the above referenced techniques to garner success. In fact, there are Learning through Teaching in an After-School Pedagogical Laboratories (L-TAPL) in California and New Jersey, which not only offer a program for elementary students but also serves as a practice-rich professional development for urban teachers. The program aims to improve the achievement of urban students and the competence of their teachers (Foster et al, 2005, 28). According to the Foster article, numerous studies, policies, and programs have addressed the persistent problem of underachievement among poor urban students and its array of possible causes. The NCLB links teacher quality to improved student achievement, especially among low-income urban children of color. Consequently, improving teacher quality has become one of the hallmarks of current reform efforts (Foster et al, 2005, 28). These laboratories groom future urban teachers to deal with students similar to the target population at IS 166. And as such, as an alternative to our summer institute, the teachers are free to enroll in the program offered by this lab in New Jersey. Therefore, taking into account the above referenced studies, improving teacher quality is of utmost importance when taking into consideration the improvement of math and science scores. All of the above has brought us to the most important element of the study establishing an after-school program. Establishing an After-school Program-Resources Funding Under the NCLB Act, Title I schools, such as IS 166 that are listed as Schools In Need of Improvement, have failed to reach student achievement targets that have been set for every school. This means the school has failed to meet state proficiency level for all students in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and/or high schools graduation rate. Schools falling in the above referenced category may be eligible for Supplemental Educational Services (SES). SES include free after-school/weekend remedial help or tutoring services. The SES provision offers providers an opportunity to offer low-income children, who may be struggling in school, extra academic help and individual instruction. Through SES, innovative leaders and educators can start a new tutoring program or expand an existing one to serve more students (New York City Department of Education). However, instead of using an SES provider—which in some cases the DOE will offer contracts of over a million dollars to provide services to various schools—we will request additional funding that would have been used to acquire an SES provider to establish the after-school program by ourselves with the assistance of The After-school Corporation (TASC). TASC is renowned for establishing successful after-school programs and have no contract with the DOE and thus, are not labeled SES Providers. In addition to wanting to establish a program using solely school staff, it is important to note, that there have been several complaints about SES providers and most are being investigated either by the Special Commissioner of Investigation for the New York City School District or the Office of Special Investigation and in the best interest of the target population, we have decided to forego those providers. Therefore, the funding used from SES will be used to offer per session rates for the teachers participating in the program as well as pay for the consultant from TASC. The funding will also be used to acquire additional supplies such as the KidzMath program which is highly popular and is used around the country to get students interested in math and to improve scores. Funding will also be used to secure additional bus transportation from the Office of Pupil Transportation as well as food and refreshments for the children. Staffing and Facilities The program will be housed in the school recreation room and so there will be no need to rent a facility to do so. The program will be supervised by the TASC consultant who will preferably be someone from the community who is familiar with the target population and can easily relate to their situation. The principal and assistant principal will take turns observing the classes and ensuring that the teachers and participants are abiding by the rules. The teachers will be eighth grade math and science teachers who deal with the target population on a daily basis and who are familiar with the problems they are experiencing. Additionally, the teachers will be assisted by high school students who are well versed in the subject areas, who have been recruited from neighboring high schools and would like to add an after-school tutoring activity to their resume. Therefore, these students will not be paid but will use the after-school program as a learning experience. Participants The students participating in the program will be chosen based on their past academic performance in grades six and seven and failure to show any signs of improvement. To reiterate, this program is geared specifically for eighth grade students, ages 14-16 years old, and will begin a month into the beginning of the academic year towards the end of September early October after the students and teachers have settled in the new semester. Letters will be sent to the parents at the beginning of the academic year notifying them of their child’s progress and advising them that the program is mandatory if they are to improve and move on to high school (the letters will be followed up by phone calls). While the school has no recourse if a student fails to attend even though it has been marked mandatory, offering a voluntary program usually encourages those that are really not in need of it to participate and those that do need it usually don’t. The parents will be informed of the structure of the program and the fact that transportation will be provided so that their children will be taken home safely after the program. In fact, parents who may not be working full time or at all will be encouraged to observe or participate in another session that will help them to understand what their child needs to improve. The session, which will last as long as the tutoring session, will more than likely be conducted by the assistant principal or a math/science staff member and will give the parent an opportunity to be truly acquainted with the activities being conducted. This program may also be helpful to them as well as some of these parents lack the basic educational skills that are necessary to obtain a job. Activities and Schedule Based on successful programs in Arkansas, the after-school program we will establish will mirror these successful programs and therefore, the program will entail classes of one and a half hours each day, Monday through Thursday between the hours of 3pm and 4:30pm. Mondays and Wednesdays will be dedicated to math and Tuesdays and Thursdays will be dedicated to science. The sessions will be divided into 40 minute periods during which the first period will be dedicated to the teacher illustrating the subject material and the second period will be dedicated to the students participating in groups and working together to complete the work presented in the first period. The students will get a ten-minute break during which they will receive refreshments. In the Camden School District in Arkansas, school officials credited the success of the after-school programs to the schools being released from the â€Å"Adequate Yearly Progress† (AYP) status under the NCLB Act (Arkansas Advocates for Children & Families, 2006). Throughout the course of the program, teachers will be encouraged not to utilize the same material or techniques used on a daily basis. The teachers will be reminded that the program is geared towards individuals who have a negative attitude toward the subjects which may be as a result of not only failure to comprehend the material but also the teacher’s emphasis on traditional methods. Therefore, the program will forego any emphasis on memorization, computation, and equation and will focus on modeling and real world problem solving. Engaging in group work, especially in math, has proven to be successful and will be the focus of the program. According to Jones, group work differs from cooperative learning in its lesser emphasis on the teacher as instructor and its greater dependence on students teaching other students. Moreover, cooperative learning procedures as dependent first on instruction by the teacher, then on practice engaged in actively by members of an established student team (often of four team members), has evidence that supports the efficacy of the approach to elevate not only achievement but also self-esteem, interpersonal effectiveness and interracial harmony (Jones, 1988, 328). Therefore, the students will work together in groups over the period of the academic year and will be exposed to hands-on experiences, games, and projects. KidzMath should really be a good stimulant and with the assistance of the teachers, the students should be motivated. Teachers will also be encouraged to maintain a weekly progress report which will ultimately be used to assess the program’s progress. Another aspect of the program would entail having the Principal establishing stronger ties with the community and getting more community leaders involved by dropping by the after-school program to give advice and encouragement to the students. Students are not only stimulated by various activities that are outside of the norm of the regular classroom but are also stimulated by role models or individuals they deem to be successful from their part of the neighborhood. According to a report done on the Chicago School Reform, the schools that experienced major changes and improvements were led by principals who were strong veteran leaders with good relationships with their local school councils and the community (Hess, Jr. , 1999, 79). Additionally, incentives can also be offered for the students in the program which will encourage their continued participation and potential success and can range from visits to museums or amusement parks if they have showed slight improvements. While these children who performed poorly are from low income families, and a reduction in poverty rates might have a salutary effect on measured school achievement, according to Lyle V. Jones, the influence of poverty on educational achievement may be ameliorated by introducing school-parent programs to improve academic conditions in the home. After reviewing nearly 3,000 investigations of productive factors in learning concludes that such programs have an outstanding record of success in promoting achievement (Jones, 1988, 327). Explanation of Logic Model. Inputs: consist of the fundamental resources—human and capital—that the program needs in order for it to achieve its goals. These resources consist of funding for per session rates for the teachers, payment for the TASC Consultant, supplies such as KidzMath, transportation, and refreshments. The most important resources needed are the children to whom the program is directed. Activities: Once the fundamental resources are in place, the schedule has been established and the techniques for teaching have been agreed upon, then the after-school program will proceed as planned throughout the academic year. The sessions will be conducted four days a week, Mondays and Wednesdays, for math and Tuesdays and Thursdays for science lasting 1. 5 hrs each period. The sessions will entail a great deal of group work and collaboration along with potential visits from community leaders and role models. Outputs: Upon implementation of the program, it is important to ascertain if the program is reaching its target population, if the services provided are being done in the manner discussed and if the population are benefiting or if they have any concerns those will be noted throughout the assessment. This will be done by conducting site visits, performing observations and conducting surveys. Outcomes: If the program is successful in achieving its goals, then the immediate goals will see the students passing their in-class tests and ultimately the state exams—which has been the focal issue with the school and the reason for the Title I status under the NCLB Act. The long-term goals include the participants of the program actually going on to high school and possibly even college. From that point onward, if students succeed in college, they may even pursue challenging careers thereby improving their socio-economic status. The reason the logic diagram is done in a cyclical manner is to demonstrate that if the program is successful and the students do improve significantly, then the school may be eligible for the same amount or a higher amount of funding which they can use to increase their resources for the input phase for the upcoming academic year. PROGRAM PROCESS Once the program has been implemented, it is important to ascertain if the services are in fact being delivered as planned and if the participants are learning with the teachers employing the new techniques as discussed. In order to do this, we will conduct an observational study as fashioned from the TASC’s site visit procedures in addition to teacher and parental surveys to see if they have noted any differences in the children participating in the program. This assessment will be done halfway throughout the semester at approximately the end of January which will also coincide with the first set of state exams (students also take these exams towards the end of the academic year-approximately June). The assessment will begin with a two-person team (my colleague and I) visiting the after-school’s program for two days a week, for a total of two weeks—one day for math and the other for science. The visit will include an interview with the principal and assistant principal (who, as noted before, would have taken turns monitoring the program).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Fast Food Advertising Essay Essay

Advertisements are everywhere. Billboards, Newspapers, Pamphlets and most importantly television. However, there are many people who are concerned about fast food ads, that are running during children programmes. Concerned about children’s wellbeing, people want a ban on fast food advertisements during children programmes. This is because of the addiction, the amount of money being wasted and that children have a lowered pre-frontal lobe capacity. Even though junk food is good to consume every now and then, it should be ban during children TV programmes. There are many addictions, which include alcohol, drugs and smoking. These are dangers that need to be taken seriously. Even though fast food is not the most important, it is still a hazard. The reason many children become addicted towards fast food is how they describe the product. These words include ‘Succulent Fresh Fillets’. This would make children want more. Fast food addiction leads towards obesity which could involve in organ problems such as Type Two Diabetes. This is why fast food advertisements should be banned during children TV programmes. There are many things that parents waste their money on for their children. Lollies, toys, entertainment. However, the major issue is buying junk food. Children persuade their parents to buy a product which leaves them in enjoyment while the parents suffering from a loose of money. Instead of buying junk food, something useful could be bought with the money such as clothing and fresh food which is a much better option. An alternative solution would be to buy Subway which is a healthier option and tastes as good as fast food but junk food ads should not be running during children TV programmes. Children at the age between 0-5 have difficulty understanding that commercials are products that do not actually function as advertised. Furthermore, children at a very young age can understand brand names. Since children also have a lowered pre-frontal lobe capacity which is the part of the brain connected with higher thinking and inhibition of behaviour, it stands to the light of reason that, because children do not have the capacity to make a rational decision making, advertisers target them easily by taking advantage of individuals. This is why junk food advertisements should be ban during children TV programmes. It is important to know that junk food is not a major hazard for teenagers or adults but for children. This is because of the addiction, the amount of money being wasted and that children have a lowered prefrontal lobe capacity and should be banned during children TV programmes.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Executive Summary for Computer Business Assignment

Executive Summary for Computer Business - Assignment Example The target market of Computer Heaven will be computer enthusiasts of all ages. It will also compete in the business to business market segment. The computer enthusiasts of all age shall be composed of end users at home and gamers. The business will also focus on computer arcades where orders are in bulk not to mention that it needs maintenance which is also an aspect of Computer Heaven’s business. The business to business market segments are large companies that will order in scale due to the sheer size of company and its operation. This segment shall be the profit center of Computer Heaven due to the scalability of business in addition to the long-term prospect of the business. Also, business to business market segment is advantageous to Computer Heaven’s bottom line as it requires maintenance due to the heavy use of its computers allowing a perpetual generation of revenue for the company. The firm plans to use a customer intimacy model to increase the customer retention of the firm. The firm will also maintain good working relationships with other stakeholder groups such as employees, lenders, and suppliers. Computer Heaven will differentiate itself from competition by delivering exceptional and consistent customer service and after sales technical support that will cultivate long-term relationship from its clients. Customer relation shall be the main driver of the company’s business for various reasons. First, it will discourage existing clients from considering competitors and second, it is more cost efficient to cultivate relationship with existing clients than to attract new clients. Pricing shall be used also as leverage in maintaining relationship with customers by offering discounts at an already lowered price in addition to an unparalleled customer service and after sales technical support. Computer Heaven will be enabled to offer

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Research Paper On Stem Cell Research Legislation And The Related Legal

On Stem Cell Legislation And The Related Legal Issues - Research Paper Example The issue of stem cell research legislation came to the scene in late 1998 when researchers realized the isolation of human embryonic stem cells. This discovery was done by Dr. James Thomson and it gave an immense promise for new means of disease treatment. Today scientists are finding news ways of using these stem cells in repairing worn out tissues. The history of stem cells research involves human stem cells as well as animal stem cells. The stem cells are usually found in the embryos like in adult creatures. In November, 1998, James Thomson who discovered the stem cells isolated cells from the internal cell mass of early embryos and went on to build up the initial stem cell lines. At the same time, germ cells were derived from cells in fetal gonadal tissue by John Hopkins. They were referred to as primordial germ cells. It is from both stem cells and the primordial germ cells that pluripotent cells were developed. In human cell research, a blastocyst which came from in vitro fert ilization was used. In 2000 funding of such research was allowed by President Clinton but only from cells of aborted human fetus. However later president Bush allowed it on existing human embryonic stem cell lines as noted by Furcht, Hoffman and Reeve (2011). How It Compare To Comparable Statutes in the Rest of the World The argument of using the embryo for stem cell research is becoming a worldwide concern, varying from country to country. However, some parts of the world seem to be on board in relation to stem cell research and its great role appears to be making a difference. The research is also getting backed up with government financing and grants. In China, there is the StemCells China which connects people all around the Globe with active stem cell treatment centers in country. The stem cell therapy and umbilical cord stem cells are relatively unestablished in the west and have experienced a long history. Doctors treating patients in these centers have come across hundreds o f cerebral palsy. Most of the genetic disorders react well to umbilical cord cells as well as cord blood cells. In Australia there is the Australia Stem centre and the embryonic stem cells are acquired from embryos from eggs fertilized through the in vitro fertilization procedures in the clinics. From this the spare embryos not needed during implantation are used and donated for purpose of research only with consent from donors. However in Australia it is illegal to conduct research from naturally conceived embryos thus these cells are not derived from fertilized eggs within the woman’s body. This is because of the fact that embryos are not particularly created for research functions. There has been a wide range of views on human embryonic stem cell research in world. The increasing case of those against embryonic stem cell research is based on the idea that it is destructive to human embryo according to Lanza (2004). For instance, for those who perceive a fertilized egg as a live consider the research pure misery. Other countries consider it as group of cells with the possibility of becoming a human but not an actual human and in this case stem cell research is encouraged. However there seems to be global agreement to the issue of stem cell research particularly its significant contribution to the society thus making many countries support it according to Kelly (2007). As a result there is

The Matching Hypothesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Matching Hypothesis - Essay Example The Matching Hypothesis proposes that people of similar levels of physical attractiveness gravitate toward one another (Weiten & Lloyd, 2003). For the sake of testing the validity of the Matching Hypothesis, this research study was conducted to witness whether married couples (or romantic partners) form relationships based primarily on physical attractiveness. This researcher hypothesised that there would, indeed, exist a positive correlation between couples of the same average level of physical beauty being rated on similar levels in a 1-10 scale; or that both variables representing each partner in a romantic relationship would co-vary in the same direction; thus a directional hypothesis. In a correlational research study, the correlational coefficient will vary between 0 and +1.00 (if positive) or between 0 and -1.00 (if negative). In some studies, attractiveness levels of long-term spouses have correlated above .50. (Manstead & Hewstone, 1999). Walster & Walster (1969) conducted a n experiment which indicated a .89 correlation (high) between physical attractiveness and the subsequent perceived desire for another individual. This researcher chose to analyse the results of this study using a correlational method as part of verifying the directional hypothesis. The concept of the Matching Hypothesis was offered by a professional researcher in psychology, E. Walster, who, in conjunction with various researchers, established high correlation coefficients that supported the theory. Walster and Walster (1969) conducted an experiment where participants in the study were randomly paired in a "computer dance" scenario and then issued a follow up survey to rate the acceptability of their partners. It was found in this study that physical attractiveness Further, Berscheid & Walster have conducted research studies which have supported the view that people tend to prefer partners who are more similar to them in terms of attractiveness (Harvey et al, 2004). With this

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Examine how John Reed explains the Mexican revolution Essay

Examine how John Reed explains the Mexican revolution - Essay Example According to John Reed, the majority of the citizens were annoyed with the manner in which the state was handling the affairs of the public. Indeed, the events of the revolution shaped the social, economic and political landscape of Mexico. Hence, the paper is describing the revolution using john reed’s explanation. The Mexican revolution John Reed reports that the revolution began as struggle between the incumbent president and his challenger, Mr. Madero. According to John Reed, Mr. Madero who was challenging the presidents incited his supporters to take part in a revolution (Reed 1). Mr. Madero incited the masses because he felt that the incumbent president had bungled the elections. The rivalry amid the two leaders culminated into war that led to bloodshed. War was at the hallmark of the revolution that begun in 1910. John Reed explains that the revolution begun slowly in 1910, thereafter it escalated to uncontrollable magnitudes in the subsequent years. Lack of communicati on was contributing to the misunderstandings that lead to the escalation of the wars. During the time, the Peons took part engaged themselves in the war with the expectations that their lives will change for the better. They had been promised favors, hence their participation in the war. Moreover, a majority of Mexicans were annoyed with the dictatorial leadership of President Porfirio Diaz. According to John Reed, the fighting that took place in the North affected most of the activities in the entire country. As a result, the economic landscape of the country changed. People began engaging in activities that demanded less capital because war had incapacitated them. Moreover, John Reed states that war halted most of the activities of people of Mexico. There was a decline in farming activities since people spend most of their times on fights. Poverty levels were escalating in the entire country. However, it is perplexing when the john reed states that he is annoyed with the events of the war yet he took part in the war. In some cases, he contradicts himself by supporting and criticizing the war at the same time. From the explanations of John Reed, economic activities played a huge role in shaping the life of individuals in Mexico. For instance, issues of wealth distribution lead to the escalation of war. The poor were angered with the manner in which the wealth owners were mistreating them. Moreover, the farmers received low wages from their employers. As indicated in the works of John Reed, people engaged in wars as a means of ending slavery. Hence, slaves preferred taking part in battles instead of working in the farms (Reed 12). The deplorable conditions in the farm made them hate employment. By taking part in wars, slaves were seeking liberation. They had wanted to have a life of their own to control their lives. Interestingly, during the war, the majority preferred the rebels to occupy their territories. This is because they hated the presence of the feder al authority. Reed reported to the metropolitan magazine Mexicans engaged in agriculture as their major source of live hood. Indeed, it was true that farming was the major economic activity for the people in Mexico. Hence, people supported the revolution because they had desired to own land. In Mexico, property ownership was highly cherished by the people then. Interestingly, this applies to the current situation in Mexico whereby people strive to own properties for their own use. The Peons in Mexico were claiming that the slave owners

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A critical study of how planning weaknesses affect project success in Coursework

A critical study of how planning weaknesses affect project success in the UK public sector - Coursework Example process of planning comprise of the following steps: Identification of objectives and goals that need to be achieved, formulation of appropriate strategies which are meant to achieve these goals, creating or rather making arrangements for the means to achieve these goals and eventually implementation, directing and monitoring of the entire project’s steps in a proper sequence. However, in cases where there are weaknesses in the entire planning of a project, the project lacks the possibility of success. Thus, this paper is meant to critically asses the weaknesses that are present in planning of projects in UK and how they affect the success of these projects. Across the globe, there are a number of projects that range from business, construction, and energy mining among others, which need perfect planning for them to succeed. For instance, a construction industry is a sector which fully relies on project management for effectiveness in implementation. Thus, effectiveness of project management is a chief aspect when it comes to successful accomplishment of complex projects. Moreover, projects that involve construction often encounter uncertainty in UK due to the shortage in resources and the general nature of such projects (Simmie, 2012). Project planning is always influenced by the culture and policies of the organization (Inch, 2012). Hence, in circumstances where a company controls multiple projects in various geographical locations, different managers are involved but the head office is heavily relied on for support. This implies that the policies governing projects in that organization will apply alongside a designed plan. To obtain the evidence of how the weaknesses in project planning impact on the general success of a project, this study reviews a number of literatures whereby various authors have presented their take on the issue. These literatures cut across all the commercial industries, construction industries, service industries and manufacturing

Monday, September 23, 2019

Punishment Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Punishment Strategies - Essay Example I believe that every child can learn and can excel, when provided the means to succeed. Through differentiated instruction, this can be achieved. I also believe that while developing their academic skills, teachers should help students develop their social skills. As a classroom, we will work together on developing a sense of respect for ourselves and others and a sense of responsibility. Students who follow our classroom rules will receive a ticket at the end of the day for each rule that they followed throughout the day. This way, each student can earn 3 tickets a day. These tickets can be traded in on Fridays for the following: Consequences 1st offense: verbal warning 2nd offense: silent lunch 3rd offense: owe 5 minutes of recess 4th offense: owe 10 minutes of recess and note home The first time that a student breaks a class rule, the student will be given a verbal warning and the teacher will remind the student of the rule that has been broken. The second time that a student brea ks the same rule, the teacher will remind the student of the rule and the student will be required to eat lunch without talking. The third time that a student breaks the same rule, the teacher will remind the student of the rule and the student will spend owe 5 minutes of recess to the teacher.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Those Who Came and Followed Him Essay Example for Free

Those Who Came and Followed Him Essay The Gospel according to John draws a distinction to the destinies of Simon Peter and John the Apostle whom Jesus loves. In resemblance to his teacher who is in the person of Jesus Christ, Simon Peter’s life is a testament that the ultimate expression of love is the sacrifice of one’s own life for the benefit of the one he loves. As for the Apostle whom Jesus loves, John devoted his long life in proclamation of the love of the Heavenly Father through His only Begotten Son. Be that as it may, both disciples served as instruments in spreading the Good News as they lived in faithful accordance to the will of the Father. As recorded history would have it, it is for certain that Simon Peter worked in Rome at the latter his of his earthly life. It was there where he suffered and died as a martyr for being a believer of Jesus Christ (Niswonger, 1992). The death of Simon Peter establishes the historical basis of the Bishops of Rome’s assertion to his apostolic leadership. It was because of his bluntness that he unavoidably found himself in serious disagreement with Jewish powers that be. He had been placed under arrest twice as ordered by the high priests. It has been said that by some miracle he had been unchained from prison and surprised his fellow disciples by unexpectedly arriving on the scene before them. He then spread the Good News in Lydda and Joppa (Ruffin, 1998). In Caesarea, he came to know Cornelius and eventually convinced a Gentile to embrace the Catholic faith (Ruffin, 1998). Having recognized that the Gentiles’ maximum support is crucial for the sect, he facilitated in forming the early guiding principle towards them. As a result of such distinction he was elected Bishop of the See of Antioch (Ruffin, 1998). The idea that Paul was martyred at the time of Nero’s rule is firmly established on the writings of Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria as well as St. Irenaeus (Ruffin, 1998). The epistles he wrote are for those people from Asia Minor who chose to be converted and embraced Christianity. The First Epistle is full of concerns regarding shared kindness, charity, and meekness. Generally, it communicates the Christian duties expected to be practiced at all times. Towards the end, he offers good wishes from the church at Babylon. This is acknowledged as another proof that Paul wrote the letter in Rome, which was then referred to as Babylon (Ruffin, 1998). The Second Epistle cautions against wrong beliefs, tells about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and concludes with a brilliant doxology as it states that the faithful must grow in the love of God for He alone deserves the glory now and forever. The Apostle whom Jesus loves is regarded as the writer of one of the Gospels, the Book of Revelation as well as the Epistles (Ruffin, 1998). It is believed that he spent some time in Patmos though the exact length of his stay has not been recorded. Emperor Domitian of Rome believed that he had been able to silence the affectionate elder (Ruffin, 1998). However, the Emperor’s efforts cannot hinder the plan of the Heavenly Father to allow John to write a book which would form an integral part of the sacred scripture. The book of Revelation conveys the supreme victory over the power of evil by Jesus Christ as God the Savior (Life Application Study Bible NIV, 2005). When all else fails, it is a wonderful encouragement to be know that great things will come to put an end to the sorrows of life on earth. The assurance that in the end, God will reign supreme provides the utmost relief to the soul. The Revelation best concludes the sacred scripture as it imparts the promise of life eternal for those who believe. Old age did not allow John to conduct ministries as he used to. Instead, he sought the help of his brethren to transport him to places where he could spread the Good News (Ruffin, 1998). He has always said that children must love their brothers and sisters (Ruffin, 1998). It was the message he usually imparted. In this light, it forms the greatest expression of his Christian mission. By spreading the word of God, he allowed himself to be filled with the love of his Master, Jesus Christ and taught the faithful the way to salvation.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Globalization And Impact Of Mcdonalds Globalization Commerce Essay

Globalization And Impact Of Mcdonalds Globalization Commerce Essay In the irreversible tide of globalization, whether developed countries or developing countries, regardless of whether it is willing, have consciously or unconsciously integrated into the process, or they will lose living space. Certain culture is linked to a certain level of economic development. Economic globalization is bound to have profound effects on global culture, so all kinds of culture are undergoing great changes under the great driving force of economic globalization. Culture has a lot to with the contemporary way of life, so globalization has a great impact on the consumers (David, 1996). In the process of globalization, many enterprises embark on a path from Localization to globalization, and McDonalds is just the example that plays an important part in the fast-food business in the world. McDonalds has made a great success in the international arena since its inception, and it has left a deep impression on the mind of many consumers. Now McDonalds is not just a restaura nt, but also a cultural symbol, which has an impact on consumers. McDonalds has implemented a series of marketing strategies in order to adapt to the cultural environment of other countries, and this changes also affect the local consumers. Now McDonalds has become a global icon, and it affects the lifestyle of people worldwide. This article mainly includes two parts: the first part focuses on human consequences of globalization, and the second section is primarily about McDonalds globalization and the impact on consumers. 2, human consequences of globalization Globalization is a new phenomenon becoming increasingly apparent since 1980s, and it is the basic characteristics of our times (Steger, 2003). Globalization is a process, which refers to the flow of material and spiritual products break the shackles of regional and national boundaries, affecting every corner of life on Earth. Globalization also includes cross-border movement of personnel. The flow of human is the highest level of comprehensive between material and spiritual movement. In the process of globalization, the most obvious feature is economic globalization. Globalization has a great impact on human, and the influence is increasing with time going on. Correctly understanding and properly dealing with globalization is conducive to promote economic development and progress of human civilization. Just as every coin has two sides, globalization also has two different effects on human. Globalization has gone far beyond the economic field and is producing a wide range of influence on the international political, security, social and cultural fields. The positive effects of globalization are as follows: the first aspect is on promoting the development of innovation. Globalization promotes the global optimal allocation of production, resources, personnel, trade, investment and finance, which reduces costs and improves efficiency. If countries would like to explore advanced development model, they must consider the factors of globalization and make use of the opportunities of globalization. The second aspect focuses on promoting the rational allocation of resources. Globalization can reasonably allocate the worldwide Capital, technology, products, markets, resources and labor. Globalization has accelerated the free flow of production factors in the worldwide and formed a unified gl obal market, which promote the globalization of multinational operations and restructuring of global industry, and maximize the optimal allocation of resources. The third aspect is primarily about boosting human civilization. Based on globalization, global issues, global interests and global governance, human may form new common values of human and new human civilization, which can break the Wests leading role of human civilization and achieve a higher surpass than Western civilization. When seeing the positive effects of globalization, at the same time, the gradual accumulation of its negative effect can not be ignored (Stiglitz, 2003). The first aspect is about instability of the world economy. Globalization strengthens the instability of the world economy, which is adverse for countries to make a development. The relationship between national economies and the world economy is becoming more closely under globalization. Each countrys economic stability will depend not only on thei r domestic factors, to a greater extent by the tremendous impact of international factors. Fierce competition and economic instability increase the difficulty of developing the national economy. The second aspect is on global economic crisis. With the increasing close of the global economic chain, it has a big possibility that a sharp rise in energy prices, serious financial order out of control, obviously big countrys economic recession may cause the global economic recession. 3, McDonalds globalization and the impact on consumers 3.1 McDonalds globalization McDonalds corporate headquarter is located in the Illinois of United States, which is an international company of possessing multi-billion dollar. Now McDonalds has become one of the largest fast food chains in the world. Since the McDonald brothers and Ray Kroc, the founders of McDonalds opened its first restaurant in the Illinois of United States, McDonalds has established more than 30,000 restaurants, located in over 120 countries and the regions around the world, and its worldwide turnover is about 10.49 billion dollars ¼Ã‹â€ Ritzer, 2006 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °. McDonalds is developing at a rapid speed, and McDonalds represents an American way of life in many countries. McDonalds sales firmly carbonated drinks that Coca-Cola Company offers, McDonalds and Coca-Cola Company practically form strategic alliances. McDonalds around the world make appropriate adjustments and try to be in accordance with the tastes of local people. In addition, McDonalds now controls some other restaurant brands, such as Aroma Cafà ©, and Donatos Pizza. In 2008, McDonalds total revenue reached 23.5 billion U.S. dollars, net profit of 4.3 billion U.S. dollars. Ronald McDonald as one of the McDonalds signs, a symbol of harmony and friendliness, represents that McDonalds will always be your friend and community member. McDonalds is ready every now and then for children and communitys development to devote its strengths. Childrens Charity Foundation of Ronald McDonald was established in 1984, and the organization has donated more than 5 million U.S. dollars to help the children around the world. McDonalds has made a great success on a global scale. Over half of McDonalds restaurants are located overseas, which is the globalization strategies of McDonalds. McDonalds restaurants can be discovered in 118 countries and regions around the world, serving 50 million consumers everyday (Alfino, 1998). McDonalds has opened 100 new restaurants in China a year, and meanwhile, McDonalds has accomplished it s goal of 1000 new restaurants by the opening of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, which are all the certification of McDonalds globalization. The founders of McDonalds have never anticipated that their ambition has so astounding influence. The influential development of McDonalds has an impact not only on the fast-food industry, but also on the contemporary way of life, and the impact is likely to accelerate in the early 21st century. 3.2 McDonalds impact on consumers Just as globalization has two different aspects of effects on human beings, in the process of McDonalds globalization, McDonalds impacts on consumers are also different, including positive effect and negative impact. Ronald McDonald is McDonalds Chief Happiness Officer, and he has lasted for about 50 years. Previously, children, youth, parents and other market segments were familiar with amiable Ronald McDonald, who was a good brand ambassador. McDonalds corporate culture is a kind of family-happy culture, which emphasizes its influences of happy culture. Duo to its huge influences, McDonalds has an impact on eating habits of consumers. MacDonalds has three characteristics: quick, cheap and widely accepted by the public. But the feature of fast has actually changed. Fast food restaurants have changed into the conveniently leisure and recreation area, so the function has changed (Schlosser, 2002). Now the restaurants have turned into the celebration ceremony, the premises of reading and writing, birthday party places, and leisure venue for chatting. From the feature of cheap, most people only occasionally patronize, which explains that the food is not real cheap. From a deeper level, the significance of McDonalds as a symbol of American culture is more obvious than as a symbol of fast food. McDonalds has become a cultural ambassador and make more people understand American culture. The meal price of McDonalds between species has little difference, so does the consumption level and the services provided. Warm dining environment and good services attract many kinds of social groups, and McDonalds is showing a different image in all kinds of peoples minds. All kinds of people with different needs and life experience see the same thing, and their feelings also are different (Tomlinson, 1999). They grasp a point of McDonalds culture from their own perspective. McDonalds have taken a wide range of measures in the business strategy, in order to meet all levels of society and people of all ages, such as facilitates for young lovers as the Valentines corner and Childrens Paradise. And the staffs are dressed up as McDonalds uncle, aunt, and play with children. Many children are fond of the food of McDonalds and they want to patronize McDonald as often as they can. Though many young lovers may do not like the food, they also want to go to McDonalds, because the environment of McDonalds is good (Ritzer, 1996). No matter McDonalds marketing idea and McDonalds business philosophy, are all established to attract more customers, and McDonalds has more and more huge impact on eating habits of consumers. When McDonalds affect the eating habits of consumers, it also shock the culture of different countries. In the context of globalization, different cultures around the world communicate, permeate, collide and merge with each other. No strong cultural is not a real power. If countries want to become a power, they should prevent its own culture from cultural erosion. In the process of McDonalds globalization, McDonalds has a great impact on local culture, which may cause cultural erosion for residents. McDonalds transforms its marketing strategies into pursuing cool, excitement, and adventure, which has a great attraction by the young family (Paul, 1997). Young family is lack of judgment ability, and McDonalds culture may cause them making a mistake. The themes of cool, on your own decision, playing my game are very popular among young people, due to the influences of McDonalds, and these themes may have a violation comparing with local culture. For example, as long as customers shout I m lovein it at the waiter, they will be able to receive a cylindrical ice cream. Such activities are very popular with aggressive young people. Some students think that these activities are very fresh and interesting. All these may affect the native culture to some extent. Meanwhile, McDonalds have an impact on the contemporary way of life. Many children like the food of McDonalds and they want to patronize McDonald as often as they can. Some of them want to go to McDonalds and eat its food everyday, and the food of McDonalds becomes their main food. Nowadays, McDonalds has become the symbol of fashion and adventure. Some young people regard going to McDonalds as a fashion and adventure, which can demonstrate that they are the younger generation. In addition, McDonalds supplies fast food for consumers, which may affect the pace of life. Consumers tend to eat food quickly, and change their previous dietary habits. 4, conclusion Globalization has a great impact on human worldwide, and its impacts can be demonstrated from two aspects: positive impact and negative impact. Its positive impact refers to promoting the development of innovation, promoting the rational allocation of resources and boosting human civilization. Its negative impact focuses on instability of the world economy and global economic crisis. Generally speaking, globalizations positive impact on human beings outweighs its negative impact. Human beings should seize the opportunities of globalization and salute its threats, in order to make a long-term development. Globalization can be understood well by the process of McDonalds globalization (Featherstone, 1991). McDonalds can bring enjoyment for consumers, while it also affects eating habits of consumers, causes cultural erosion and has an impact on contemporary way of life. Globalization is an irresistible trend, and Globalization can give a beneficial effects on consumers as well as adverse effects. So consumers should make full use of its beneficial effects and resist its adverse effects in the process of globalization.

Friday, September 20, 2019

History of the Potato Famine

History of the Potato Famine Treavor Hoffman Collen Seguin The Potato Famine Between the years of 1845 and 1850 over a million-people died of either disease, hunger or fever throughout Ireland. The Irish believed that nature was a main cause but so were the British, English and the rest of Europe. The main cause of all these deaths is what we have all typically heard and learned about and that is the potato blight or otherwise known as the potato famine. So many people died because the potato was such a big part of the Irish consumption and when you run out of something that was highly relied upon, and have very few other sources, it results in very bad outcomes. Aside from the disease that affected the crop, the other causes that contributed to such a major drop in population and death can be attributed to the lack of support from the British and English. They were the ones who caused the hunger and catastrophe throughout Ireland. Let us first talk about the history of Ireland and the potato. The population of Ireland increased rapidly from the early seventeenth century. In 1600 it was just over a million: by 1841 it had risen to something over 8 million (Toibin and Ferriter, pg. 11). So, over a 200-year span Ireland saw a huge growth in their population and were not fully prepared for it. As for the potato, it was first discovered in South America in the year 1537 by Spain and was brought back to Europe and gradually spread throughout. There are a couple of stories in how it made its way to Ireland. The first is that the potato washed ashore from the wreckage of the Spanish Armada in 1589. The other story is that an explorer named Sir Walter Raleigh brought the potato from one of his expeditions. The potato was an easy crop to grow and could grow in some of the poorest conditions making it very suitable for the Irish to raise because it was cheap and could be very plentiful ( Now that we know a little about the Irish and how the potato got to Ireland, let us talk about the causes and factors of the famine. The big reason of course was the potato blight. Researchers dont know exactly how the potato blight was caused or where it came from. Before the massive potato blight there were many other failures of the potato that we dont typically hear about. Throughout the time the potato had been in Ireland it had seen around 20 other failures. But between the years of 1845 and 1850 the entire country was suffering from crop failure making it impossible for anyone to thrive. According to a chart in the book The Irish Famine in the early 1840s there was a total of about 15,000 tons worth of potatoes being grown. Then from the years 1847-1856 that number dropped to 4,423 tons and dropped even more to 3,407 tons between the years of 1857-1866 (Toibin and Ferriter, pg. 53). Two thirds of the workforce were dependent on agriculture in the 1840s while only one in seven of the population lived in towns and cities ( Toibin and Ferriter, pg. 52). The average amount of potatoes the average adult male ate pre-famine was around fourteen pounds worth, eleven pounds for women and children older than eleven, and almost five pounds worth for children under eleven. This shows us that much of the population in Ireland was reliant on this one food source and when it was gone or full of disease, many people died or became ill. The Irish famine caused many deaths and saw many emigrants. There was a total of about a million people who died due to the famine and another million who ended up leaving Ireland in search for a better way of life. Life for those who stayed was brutal and desolate. One good thing though is that when so many people left it gave opportunities for other farmers to work their land and make a profit (Toibin and Ferriter). Considerably one of the biggest reasons so many people died wasnt because the potatoes ran out and were gone but because Englands long running political dominance over Ireland. The Irish had been bullied and conquered many times by the English. They also seized much of the agriculture land which wasnt given back to the Irish. The English hired their own kind of farmers to manage the land and do all the upkeep. These same managers would then rent out the small plots of land to farmers in exchange for labor and cash. This ended up leading to higher rent prices and a plummet in the Irish economy. In a typical tenancy like this it can be effective and benefit both parties but in this case the Irish had zero rights to the land they farmed.ÂÂ   The only place that wasnt as bad were the areas high in Protestants. These were the only areas that the farmers could make any profit from what they were doing. The Irish suffered from many famines under English rule. Like a boxer with both arm s tied behind his back, the Irish could only stand and absorb blow after blow. It took the many circumstances of English policy to create the knockout punch and ultimate answer to the Irish question ( The British did not care one way or the other of what would happen to Ireland. They found them to be disgusting and referred to them as ape like. Aside from not only having to grow the potatoes the Irish also had to eat them and so did their livestock. They would feed the livestock their peelings because they did not eat that part. As for people, they did not have to many ways to make the potatoes. Most of the time it consisted of just some cabbage, butter, milk, and salt thrown in to help with the flavor and texture (Toibin and Ferriter, pg. 49) . As for the cooking of the potato they would just boil them over the fire until the inside of the potato was done and they could add the other ingredients (Toibin and Ferriter, pg. 67). Now these potatoes they were growing were not like the potatoes most of us are accustomed to today. They were of very poor quality and did not taste very well. Being a potato farmer myself I can say I have a pretty good judgment on what kind of potatoes taste good and which do not. And the ones they were growing definitely tasted bad. I can also tell you that when we read about the stories people had from the book The Irish Famine and when they say rotting potatoes smelled bad, it is most definitely true. Rotting potatoes is one of the grossest smells you may ever smell in your entire life. Unfortunately for the people of Ireland they were constantly dealing with this nasty smell and I cant even imagine what their homes and lands would smell like. There has been much research done to determine whether or not the British are responsible for the death of over a million people. Most historians believe that are enormously responsible because they just sat back and watched as Ireland fell apart. And not only did they just watch but they kept thriving off the Irish land in ways like taking all their cattle and other crops leaving the Irish with very few options but mainly the potato. It was said that the amount of dead and emigrated people was impossible to determine because of how many actually died and left the country (Toibin and Ferriter pg. 17). Before the famine struck Irishmen had already been steadily immigrating to the U.S and to other parts of the world. But once the famine struck those previous numbers were a joke. Over 72,000 emigrants entered the U.S in the year 1848 (Toibin and Ferriter, pg 172). In just one year! By 1850 the population of New York City was said to be 26 percent Irish ( Overall the Irish Famine had two main causes. The first being the fungus that grew on the potatoes causing the potato blight and completely destroying the crop. And the second factor was the lack of support given by the British and how they mistreated the Irish people. This was definitely an example of an Irish Auschwitz ( Toibin and Ferriter, pg. 54). References Robert McNamara 19th Century History Expert. What Happened During the Great Irish Famine? Education. N.p., 15 Dec. 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2017. . Anne. What Caused the Irish Potato Famine? Mises Institute. N.p., 07 May 2008. Web. 03 Mar. 2017. . Potato. Potato New World Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2017. . ToÃÅ'ibiÃÅ'n, Colm, and Diarmaid Ferriter. The Irish Famine: A Documentary. London: Profile in Association with London Review of, 2004. Print.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Internet :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Introduction Welcome to a world beyond reality; a world full of problems, promise, and possibilities. You are now in hyperreality, virtual reality, or cyberspace. It is whatever you want it to be. "[T]he Internet is like a highway, feeding small communities and large cities, and connecting their loops, backroads and alleyways" (Estrada XU). In other words, the Internet is a network of networks-a web that connects a vast number of computers. Wait! Don't give up yet, it's easier than you think. Using the Internet isn't "rocket science". An area that was once only for researchers is now used by a wide range of people from elementary students to farmers. The internet is an interactive environment. In her book, The Internet Companion Plus, Tracy Laqey gives the difference between television and the Internet by saying that when it comes to television, "we are only the watchers, but with the Internet we are "the reporters, the viewers, and the production team" (3). The Internet has very few restrictions these days, so for the most part you are free to do and say whatever you choose. It is the value of what you say, not who you are, that gets people to listen. The Internet is an "open and sharing environment" (3), as well as a complicated environment. With every involved endeavor a certain amount of information is required to fully enjoy and benefit from the experience. As for the Internet, this information is at first overwhelming. Let's put aside the details of connecting the systems and the technicalities and concentrate on the actual usage of the web. The internet has made our lives easier through ingenious inventions like computeriz ed card catalogs and e-mail. But, in order to fully understand this huge system, we must first know where it came from. The Internet had a modest start as ARPANET, a U.S. Defense Department network, and was designed to withstand a nuclear bomb attack. Information could be put in many different places to avoid a centralized storage of information. It was later split into two networks, and from one of these networks the Internet was born. Today the Internet has evolved into a monster. In their book, The Mosaic Handbook, Dale Dougherty, Richard Koman, and Paula Ferguson describe the Internet as "a cultural icon . . . [it] has come to represent what the future looks like today" (2). The possibilities are endless, and although we won't list them all here, we will introduce a few.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Tennessee Williams :: Essays Papers

Tennessee Williams Thomas (Tennessee) Lanier Williams born March 26, 1911 in Columbus, Mississippi. The second of three kids. His father a shoe salesman and his mother the daughter of a preacher. Williams lived a family life of turmoil. His family often engaged in violent arguments during his youth. Williams got his first taste of fame in 1929 when he took third place in a national essay contest. Williams started college at the University of Missouri until his father forced him to quit and go to work for his father’s shoe factory. Later Williams returned to college in 1937 and where he resumed the writing of plays. Williams had two of his plays, Candles to the Sun and The Fugitive Kind, produced by Mummers of St. Louis, and in 1938. Williams graduated from the University of Iowa. Williams then went to Chicago in search of work, failing, he then moved to New Orleans and changed his name from Tom to Tennessee which was the state of his father's birth. In 1939, the young playwright received a $1,000 Rockefeller Grant. In 1944, what many consider to be his best play, The Glass Menagerie, had a very successful run in Chicago, and a year later worked its way onto Broadway. People think that Williams used his own family relationships as plots for the play. The Glass Menagerie won the New York Drama Critics Circle Award for best play of the season. Williams followed up his first major critical success with several other Broadway hits including such plays as A Streetcar Named Desire, Summer and Smoke, A Rose Tattoo, and Camino Real. He received his first Pulitzer Prize in 1948 for A Streetcar Named Desire, and reached an even larger world-wide audience in 1950 and 1951 when The Glass Menagerie and A Streetcar Named Desire were made into major motion pictures. Later plays which were also made into motion pictures include Cat on a Hot Tin Roof , which he earned a second Pulitzer Prize in 1955. Williams struggled with depression throughout most of his life. For much of his life, he battled addictions to prescription drugs and alcohol. February 24, 1983, Tennessee Williams choked to death on a bottle cap at his New York City residence at the Hotel Elysee. He is buried in St. Louis, Missouri. Williams play, The Glass Menagerie, is about the Wingfeild family, the mother Amanda and here two children Tom and Laura. Amanda has a life that is centered around finding a gentleman friend for her daughter Laura, a husband.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Common Misconceptions of Sports Suppluments

Common Misconceptions In today’s society, many people have started to develop misconceptions about sports supplements. Because people started this mentality, they have tried to make their own misconceptions about them and telling other people to avoid them. Sports Supplements, also known as ergogenic aids, are products to enhance athletic performance. These products contain minerals, herbs, vitamins, amino acids, and botanicals. (TeensHealth 1) One of the common misconceptions of sports supplements is that they don’t help the human body gain muscle, but instead fat. The 1) In reality, some people have and see results of the supplements within a week, like enhances the person’s workouts by going for longer reps, reduces the time of recovery, and gains muscle mass. (The 1) Another known common misconception of sports supplements is that will sports supplements cause me to get muscle cramps and or get injured. Most of the sports supplements well cause you to cramp u p during athletic events, but the leading sports supplement that well cause you to cramp up easily is creatine. Bodybuilding. com 1) If any athlete who uses creatine gets a cramp, they well get told it’s the side effect of creatine usage, but in reality it’s the lack of dehydration, improper electrolyte balance, or variety of other factors that can result in cramping. (Bodybuilding 1)Even though some athletes think that sports supplements well make them cramp, they also think that the supplements well make their injury risk increase. However, not any sports supplements increase the ability of injuries. Bodybuilding 1) â€Å"Quite to the contrary actually; a study conducted using 72 NCAA division 1 football players as subjects found that the athletes supplementing with creatine experienced less muscle cramps, muscle tightness, muscle strains, dehydration and total injuries. † (Bodybuilding 1) Will sports supplements make me a better athlete? That’s another common misconception of sports supplements. Many companies say that their supplement well make you a better athlete or stronger, but in reality it won’t give you the ability to make you a better athlete or the strengthness to lift more weights for more reps. TeensHealth 1) Ads for sports supplements often use persuasive before and after pictures that make it look easy to get a muscular, toned body. But the goal of supplement advertisers is to make money by selling more supplements, and many claims may be misleading. (TeensHealth 1) Instead, sports supplements helps the person who is taking it, it doesn’t give any potential ability to the person whom is taking it.They’re many different types of factors that go into a person’s athletic body like diet, how much sleep they get, genetics and heredity, and their training program. (TeensHealth 1) Another common misconception of sports supplements is that they are illegal, like consuming drugs, in reality theyâ €™re not; they are just banned in some organizations such as the Olympics and others more. (The 1) Other than steroids being illegal in the US, There’s a possibility of another type of sports supplement of getting banned or in others words, illegal.DMMA, also known as dimethylamylamine, a stimulant that Department of Health has categorized to be in the same category such as heroin, cocaine and crystal methamphetamine has been banned in many countries like Canada, New Zealand and several European countries due to two possible deaths in the US and is thought to cause high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems including shortness of breath and possible heart failures like heart attacks. (Sports 1) Sports supplements have lots of side effects that’s one other common misconception.But really, there only a couple of supplements that have a couple of side effects like ephedra, caffeine, carnitine, and creatine do to the human body. (Sport 2) Ephedra, named after contain ing ephedra alkaloids, a dietitary supplement. The use of ephedra is for weight loss and with the goal of enhancing their performance, increasing energy. Due to the extremely side effects of this supplement, FDA have banned it for a while now on the sale of high dose ephedrine, but the doses of 10 mg or less are legal.The side effects of this supplement are headaches, rapid heart rates, increased blood pressure, insomnia, strokes, heart attacks, and death. (Sport 2) Commonly found in sodas, coffee,and energy drinks, caffeine, which provides energy and burns fat. When taken caffeine, it attacks the in the centeral nervous system, increases the awareness, and the perception of less effort used. The side effects of caffeine are increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, and insomnia.In addition, a person who’s constantly consuming caffeine in their diet can lead into headaches. (Sport 2) Needed in the body for the transportation of fatty acids to mitochondria to be used for energy, carnitine. Thought that it decreases muscle pain, increases endurance, promotes weight loss, and improves cardiac function. (Sport 1) Bieng one of the most popular sport supplements, creatine, is used as a form of phosphocreatine by the body to gain muscle energy.Once used, creatine increase strength, endurance, and muscle gain. While creatine may help out on athletics, it can also help you gain weight, causing a huge impact for athletes. (Sport 2) Lastly, â€Å"If I take sports supplements, I well just gain weight and get fat†. Most of the people that say that are wrong in some way and right at the same time. Even though most of the sports supplements have enough proteins to complete a serving of meal a day, people need to know how to balance their meals while using sport supplements.Especially when using whey protein and creatine, the user can easily gain a couple pounds if not more than expected within a few weeks if not managed his or her diet carefully. Because many of professional athletes use sports supplements on a regular basis, they have managed to control their own diet, but some can eat more than a normal person is expected to due to the intense hardcore workouts that they do.But some just hire dietetics, (The 1) a person practical application of diet in relation to health and disease. (Dietetics 1) In today’s society, many people do not understand sports supplements and the benefits they can bring to the athlete who is serious about increasing their level of performance for his or her sport. Most supplements have little or no side effects, and can seriously help and improve the athletes ability at his or her own sport.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Gambia: Gateway to Africa

The Gambia, often referred to as the ‘Gateway to Africa', Is one of the smallest countries In the African continent and Is situated on the west coast. The country Is a former British colony gaining independence In February 1965. (ounce. Org, 2010). Most of the country's tourism Is based around the enclave, which Is where economical opportunities are mainly focused. In the case of many countries In the developing world, tourism is an industry that can offer many economic advantages and transform regions.It can assist in creating employment and hugely benefit communities in development projects that could live on for generations. It Is difficult to outline whether tourism as an industry can attract individuals to a certain destination or whether it is the location itself that manages to draw in tourists to gain economical benefits. It may seem that there are little worries in allowing a destination to become a popular choice among tourists, but managing the activities and ensurin g that natural beauty and resources are not compromised should be a major objective for every tourism organization.In order to assess the future proceedings of a country's tourism Industry, one needs to examine the sustainable ethos that are practiced. It seems as though the amount of people traveling to Gambia for holidaying purposes has declined In recent times due to the global economic downturn (The Point, 2009). 1 . Development of tourism in Lad's 2. Enclave Resort Structures In terms of developing a country's tourism structure it can be difficult for the nation to encourage growth on a wider scale when there is so much emphasis put on resort tourism.Page and Connell (2006) acknowledge the movement of tourists to remote areas of a destination and therefore not supporting the local economy. There is a major presence of foreign multi-national companies in the Gambia originating from Europe and the United States which use the country's natural resources for economic gain. Britton (1982) also discusses the criticisms of package holiday tours and the circulation of tourists within the formal tourism sector, claiming that tourists on these package holidays are not encouraged to leave their complex during their stay.This can result in leakages in tourism expenditure appearing in the informal sector, with figures reaching as high as 75% in the Gambia (Hall and Brown, 2006). By providing tourists with standards that would be expected in western countries, it becomes difficult to regard the investment of multi-national companies as a negative impact. Mitchell and Fall (2008) outline the foreign tourism involvement within the Gambia stating that without international airline companies and tour operators there would be no value chain and no tourists.Naturally, as tourism is a vital industry for the country, it cannot afford to turn away foreign investment as it can act as an encouraging factor to attract tourists too destination. An aspect that can be used to encoura ge the movement of tourists to other areas of The Gambia is the establishment of alternative facilities to help entice Individuals away from enclave resorts.Tribe and Already (2007) discuss new tourist developments concerned with increasing accommodation for the growing number of tourists traveling to the the Muskrats Forest offering to accommodate up to 7,000 individuals in an attempt to disperse tourism away from coastal areas. It may prove to be difficult to draw tourists away from what Safari (2003) outlines as the â€Å"g's†: Sun Sand sex When combined, these are the factors which are attracting tourists to Third World aorist destinations and are commonly associated with enclave resorts as Safari (2003) explains.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Small States Essay

The ASEAN Summit is an annual meeting held by the member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in relation to economic, and cultural development of Southeast Asian countries.[2]The league of ASEAN is currently connected with other countries who aimed to participate on the missions and visions of the league. Apparently, the league is conducting an annual meetings with other countries in an organisation collectively known as the ASEAN dialogue partners. ASEAN +3 adds China, Japan and South Korea. The formal summit are held in three days. The usual itinerary are as follows:ASEAN leaders hold an internal organisation meeting. .1ASEAN leaders hold a conference together with foreign ministers of the ASEAN Regional Forum.2.Leaders of 3 ASEAN Dialogue Partners (also known as ASEAN+3) namely China, Japan and South Korea hold a meeting with the ASEAN leaders.3.And a separate meeting is set for leaders of 2 ASEAN Dialogue Partners (also known as ASEAN+CER) namely Australia and New Zeala nd.HistoryThe First ASEAN summit was held in February 1976 in Bali.[3] At this summit, ASEAN expressed its readiness to â€Å"develop fruitful relations† and mutually beneficial co-operation with other countries of the region.[4] The ASEAN leaders signed the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia.On 2nd ASEAN summit held on Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 1977 was the occasion for the first summit meeting between Japan and ASEAN. Japan expressed its intention to promote co-operation with ASEAN.[5]On 9th ASEAN Summit; A meeting on 7 October 2003 on Bali, Indonesia. The leaders of the members nations signed a declaration known as the Bali Concord II in which they agreed to pursue closer economic integration by 2020. According to the declaration, â€Å"an ASEAN Community† would be set upon three pillars, â€Å"namely political and security cooperation, economic cooperation, and socio-cultural cooperation; For the purpose of ensuring durable peace, stability and shar ed prosperity in the region.† The plan envisaged a region with a population of 500 million and annual trade of US$720 billion. Also, a free trade area would be established in the region by 2020. ASEAN’s leaders also discussed setting up a security community alongside the economic one, though without any formal military alliance†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..During the same meeting, the People’s Republic of China and ASEAN have also agreed to work faster toward a mutual trade agreement, which will create the world’s most populous market, with 1.7 billion consumers. Japan also signed an agreement pledging to reduce tariff and non-tariff  barriers with ASEAN members†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..On the 11th ASEAN summit last 12–14 December 2005 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Seven main issues were discussed during the Summit. The issues are:1.the spread of bird flu2.southern Thailand conflict3.democracy in Myanmar4.crude oil prices fluctuation and p overty5.investment and trade6.ASEAN CharterImmediately after the summit ended, the inaugural East Asia Summit was held. The 12th ASEAN Summit was originally set to be hosted on Cebu island in the Philippines from December 10 to 14. However on December 8, organisers decided to move the summit schedule to 12–15 January 2007 due to Typhoon Seniang. Cebu Metropolitan Area (composed of Cebu City, Mandaue City, Talisay City, and Lapu-Lapu City) jointly hosted varied events of the summit. The actual conference was held at the Cebu International Convention Centre in Mandaue City while the Shangri-La Mactan Island Resort & Spa in Lapu-Lapu City provided accommodations for delegates and venues for smaller meetings. At the 12th ASEAN Summit, the member countries of ASEAN signed five agreements pertaining to continuing integration of ASEAN and enhancing political, economic and social cooperation in the region:[6] Cebu Declaration Towards a Caring and Sharing Community. Cebu Declaration on the Blueprint for the ASEAN Charter. Cebu Declaration on the Acceleration of the Establishment of an ASEAN Community by 2015. ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers. ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism. The 13th ASEAN Summit was held from 18–22 November 2007, in Singapore. The theme was â€Å"One ASEAN at the Heart of Dynamic Asia†. The key theme of the discussions was set to be on â€Å"Energy, Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development†. In line with the theme, the ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on Environmental Sustainability was signed at the 13th ASEAN Summit and a proposal to work on a Singapore Declaration on the Environment was issued at the 3rd East Asia Summit†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦The leaders had endorsed the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint which Will help chart concrete targets for establishing a single market and production base in the ASEAN region by 2015.The summit marking the 30th anniversary of ASEAN-EU ties was held on November 22. Other documents that had be negotiated and signed: ASEAN Mutual Recognition Agreement on Architectural Services. ASEAN Framework Arrangement for the Mutual Recognition of Surveying Qualifications. Protocol to Implement the Sixth Package of Commitments under the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services. Agreements on trade and areas of cooperation with ASEAN Dialogue Partners. The 15th Asean Summit was held from 23–25 October 2009 in Hua Hin, Cha Am, Thailand.[7] It involved the Leaders from Asean league of Nations together with their dialogue partners from People’s Republic of China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand. A flurry of meetings among Asian leaders on the last day raised the possibility of forging a regional free trade pact, which is likely to be raised at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in November 2009. The 16th ASEAN Summit held in Ha Noi, Vietnam 9 April 2010 â€Å"Towards the Asean Community: from Vision to Action†. The 17th ASEAN Summit in October 2010 in Vietna m Ha Noi.Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono did not attend the opening ceremony of the Summit this afternoon. He had to cut short his trip and returned home to oversee the rescue operation in the disaster-stricken area, after arriving here on Tuesday for a state visit prior to attending the Summit. The 18th ASEAN Summit in Jakarta capital of Indonesia. The 19th ASEAN Summit in Bali, Indonesia at November 2011.14th ASEAN Summit and ProtestsThe 14th ASEAN summit was held from February 26 to 1 March 2009 in Hua Hin, Thailand. It was originally scheduled for December 2008, but was postponed due to the political crisis in Thailand. At the summit, the ASEAN leaders signed the Cha-am Hua Hin Declaration on the Roadmap for an ASEAN Community and adopted various other documents, including the ASEAN Political-Security Community Blueprint and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint.[15] The ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area was established.[16] It is one of Asia’s largest trade arrangements and covers trade in goods, investment and services, financial services, telecommunications, electronic commerce and intellectual property.[17] The summit was reconvened in Pattaya, Thailand on 10 April 2009. This second part of the summit was to consist of various meetings between the ASEAN members and one or more non-ASEAN countries from 10–12 April. However, it  was aborted on 11 April when hundreds of protesters forced their way past security forces into the venue.[18] Many of the visiting leaders had to be evacuated from the venue by helicopter to a nearby military airbase, although none were injured. The protests were part of the 2008–2009 Thai political crisis and were not believed to be directed at ASEAN leaders but rather at Thailand’s government.[19] CHINAa signed a trade deal with ASEAN.[20]At the same time, Australia and New Zealand started the negotiation for a free trade deal with ASEAN. The aim of the negotiation is to significantly reduce trade barriers by 2016.[21][22]